
Yes it is possible, but a physical credit card is needed for the deposit.

ID – mobile phone – deposit and ships license (for motors more than 40 hp)

A short technical instruction and driving lesson, safety equipement and life wests for kids, sundeck, fenders and obviously our assistance always when needed.

The prices are fuel excluded, except mentioned differently.

All our ships dispose over a liability insurance for damages against thirds, but sometimes it does happen that a customer damages the boat – for example the propeller – due to negligence or scarce experience, and this is not covered by the insurance and must herewith be paid by the customer.

The reach ouf our boats with a filled tank is at approximately 5 hours.

With a capacity of 55 litres per tank the consumtion is at about 7 l/h depending on the navigtinal style and the number of persons aboard.

At the rental we will provide a map with all the petrol stations on the Lake.
In Bardolino the petrol station is just at the harbor and in Castelletto it’s about a 10 minutes navigation away in Bogliaco.

Due to the law we are not allowed to refill our boats’ tanks with canisters due to security measurements.

There are a lot of possibilities for landing: in some private harbors or runways, at the public buoys… These landing possibilities are mostly for free on the occidental side like in Limone, Toscolano, Gargnano, Salo, Gardone. By contrast you have to pay for most of the buoys on the oriental side.

The motor boats with a 40 hp engine do get up to about 0 knots, depending on the load – with 8 persons on board it doesn’t go that fast!

The parking at the Lungolago Cipriani has about 50 spaces for free a longside the road, allthough there it is mostly crowded; but there is another parking for payment just in walking distance.

There are some close by parkings for payment, though Castelletto is often crowded, especially on tuesdays, when there is market. So the best would be to arrive in bus.

For having a refreshing bath you can choose whichever place in the middle of the lake and then climb in again on the ladders, with which all our boats are equipped – just make sure you turn off the engine beforhand 🙂
In the south of the lake the water is mostly calmer and warmer, but also less clean. On the contrary at the north parts of the lake, where the water is more moved and fresher but also cleaner.

For all boats which engines are superior than 40,8 hp.

We will always provide an actual weather forecast at the initial briefing and always have a watch on changing weather conditions so we can alert you in time when bad weather is coming up. But the Lake Garda is well known for it’s unforseeable changes in weather…

In alll the north part of the province of Trento it is absolutely forbidden to navigate on engine. Immidiately after Malcesine on the eastern side and after Limone on the western side there is no motor boat allowed.

Your being late creates problems for us and the following customers. Every delay exceeding 15 minutes has to be paid.

Every delay exceeding 15 minutes means the loss of the right to rental and also the eventually already paid deposit.

If it rains we are happy to change the rental date.

The fleet


The experience


2 harbors

Bardolino and
Castelletto di Brenzone

The parking

close by with a vast disposability in Bardolino,
walking distance with limited capacity in Castelletto di Brenzone

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