9.000 €
Welcome to our section dedicated to used boats for sale on Lake Garda.
Boat Garda is pleased to present you with the selection of motorboats and sailboats now available for sale.
Each boat has been carefully selected and inspected by our team to ensure maximum safety and reliability.
We are confident that you will find the boat of your dreams among our offerings.
Boat Garda is the address for professional rental of motor and sailing boats at top quality for best prices on stunning Lake Garda.
We – Micol Campostrini and Andrea Farina – lead this boat rental with its main location in Bardolino and its outpost in Castelletto di Brenzone. Thanks to Boat Garda it is now as easy as never before to explore the beauties of Lake Garda and safely enjoy a boating excursion.
A brand-new fleet of modern powerboats, equipped for the professional driver and at the same time user-friendly for the less experienced one, will allow you to feel the thrill of racing on the water of one of Europes most beautiful lakes or having a tranquil picnic in one of its picturesque bays. Our sailing boats as well grant you the unique experience of a sailing turn at Europes most famous interior water.
Since I was a kid I always went out with granddad Renatos boats and until now I didn´t get fed up in enjoying a tour on the lake.
35 years of experience at lakes and seas.
My biggest dream is a world cruise with the sailing boat.
Bardolino and
Castelletto di Brenzone
close by with a vast disposability in Bardolino,
walking distance with limited capacity in Castelletto di Brenzone
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